The scenery for the first half was similar to the previous day, with rolling green fields and snow-capped peaks in the background but today, the green fields were full of wildflowers.

The mountains in the background are the Flattops and you can see where they get their name.
We used Ken's local knowledge to take a side route on Colorado River Road for about 35 miles-- half of it on dirt road. It was magnificent-- we were alongside the Colorado River the entire way. We had timed it for Rochelle to drive the van and catch us while were on this route so that we would have support, and this made it possible to have a picnic for a rest stop in a beautiful spot by the river.

This meant we rode a few miles further than the official route but it was more than worth it and we all loved it.
After the end of the ride, we stopped at a diner on our way to Aspen for a late lunch and our two "adrenaline junkies", Ken and Jeri, had to try the owner's bike with a wheelbarrow attached to the front.

Tomorrow is our "rest day" and Leslie, Rochelle and I are planning a long hike in the Maroon Bells Wilderness. I'm sure there will be photos. Ken and I will probably also ride an hour or so to keep our legs fresh. I'm sure Jeri and Jerry will do a long trail run or something. We're all happy now to rest and relax!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Steamboat Springs to Dotsero, CO
these look way more fun than the snow day! now we really wish we were there. enjoy the wildflowers and sun and hiking.